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Dancing With A Broken Heart

Dancing With A Broken Heart

Is there anything better than falling in love? All your questions are being answered that very moment and the whole world makes sense just like that. Rain feels like sunshine and Tuesday mornings make you jump out of bed before the bell rings. You can’t sleep because there’s so much something beautiful happening inside you. 
Is there anything worse than breaking your heart? All your world disappears from around you and absolutely nothing can give you hope. You can’t get out of bed and no hug can comfort you. Sunshine hurts as it feels like it reveals you and your wounds to the world. You are not who you thought you were. You can’t sleep and no answer can ever make sense. 
Last summer someone very close to me got her heart broken so hard and so suddenly that I wasn’t sure if she’ll make it. She was pulled into such a dark place so alone and it seemed as if there’s no way out. Then as some time passed, we sat in my car for hours that night driving around the suburbs. Just talking and trying to accept what had happened and maybe somehow to see some light somewhere far at the end of that ugly tunnel. 
Those times I was writing new songs pretty much every day and her pain followed me to the studio. As my friend Axel presented me and producer Ilkka his idea for the chorus, I knew we’d write a song about her and what she was going through. I had a hard time singing the song as my chest felt so heavy and it felt like she was in the room with us. 
“Keep dancing…”
As we had finished the demo, I came home and sat on my sofa for a few hours thinking if I should send it to her or not. Then I did. The message I receiver five minutes later is one of the most beautiful messages I ever received. So full of love and so full of tears. She had been in a subway in Helsinki and the whole train saw her break down. 
“They’re all looking for someone. 
And you know you won’t be found.”
And as I know you’ll read this text,  a few words to you little broken hearted fighter.
I’m so proud of you. When life hits you hard, you can either let go of hope and become bitter or you can slowly accept what happened and then start gathering the pieces on the floor and start rebuilding. You’re still putting your pieces together but your new life already has nice frames and lots of good stuff in it. And I’m so proud of you. The stairs you climbed were so tall and so slippery and it was so cold on the way back up and becoming who you are today… you deserve a medal. And I’m so thankful to you for letting me so close to you after the big wave hit you. It brought us so much closer. I will always love you and I’ll always be here for you. 
Then to the funny thing… You remember we agreed to take matching tattoos once you’ve made it to a brighter place. I think it’s time now and I think we shouldn’t wait too long. Because Karma can be a bitch and it heard what we swore. A promise is a promise. So I’m ready when you are. You and me, 2.0 ;) This is your power song forever. I love you so deeply. “Keep dancing…” ❤️

Other than this story from last summer, I must say I’m so happy and so proud with how the album is getting together. It’s somehow annoying to release just one song at a time as I could release most of it right now. We just had a tour planning meeting with the whole gang about what and how we’ll do our things in October and Jesus Christ it looks good. I’m so happy how things are in studio and honestly we’re so far with everything already. I’m not sure if I’ll write any more songs for now. Maybe I’ll just enjoy my summer and finalize it all and then I’ll have full batteries when it all really starts again. All this feels so damn good and it’s so good to be on this road. I love these moments in life when you know that you are in the right place taking the right steps. You just feel it. It makes my heart burst out of my chest but somehow I feel peaceful too. Thank you lovely people for living along these steps. I can’t wait to see you all soon and to make you sing as loud as you ever did.
Hearts will heal. We will rock you. Autumn will be ours ❤️
Still Yours, 