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The music studio gods are on our side and the process has reached the point where we can announce big things for this year. I’m so happy. Song writing and music production are no rocket science and I kind of knew we would make it far enough before the summer, but before you’re really there you can never be sure. Now we are. 
The album “ME FREE MY WAY” will see the daylight on October 4th and the same night we will start our tour. And tonight at midnight the title song comes out and tomorrow the official music video too. The video is a throwback to my drive to Berlin from a club show in Hamburg last summer. Thank you once more Cyan Kicks for letting me visit the backstage at Club Knust where everything turned around inside my heart. That night on that highway I played this song so loud at least a hundred times. Screaming my lungs out to the stars through the open roof. This has to be the first song on the setlist in October. Ticket sales start officially next week Friday. Presale info will be on my website tomorrow. 
As I have said before, I never stopped writing songs in English – I guess I never will. It’s something I have done since I was a young boy and escaping to my melody wonderland is a safe place to me and there I can touch parts of myself that aren’t at my reach outside that bubble. I’m so happy I spent that one afternoon a few years ago in Stockholm with my dear friends Maria and Victor from the band Smith & Thell and instead of going to a spa, we decided to write this song together. It’s has already become so important to me - the title of my album.
This album still needs a lot of work and hundreds of hours in studios and on the promotion road. I’m so glad to inhale it all. Just like the hours until now. The process has somehow been super easy. Feels like it’s meant to be. Most of the songs have come out during the last 9 months, a few are a bit older. It’s been so creative and amazing and I’m just surprised that it still feels like this after everything I have seen in this world of entertainment. Somehow it feels again like I’m doing this for the first time. Someone very smart told me some weeks ago “You’re lucky to have things in your life that make you lose your sleep” and that has been the case. I think the hardest thing in life is to figure out what is it that you really want. But when you do, you stop counting the time and the effort you put in. And you don’t mind the sleepless nights. You take them all because they are the way towards that something that matters to you so much.
Freedom and your own way... It means different things to us all. Our lives and our values are different and that’s what makes us all special. For someone it means being brave enough to hold the hand of their true lover in public even though it might make someone outside feel uncomfortable. For someone it means speaking out and expressing their real thoughts. Some have to fight for their freedom in unfair and inhumane ways giving more than they ever should. “I don’t need a ride, I need ammunition…” How pure and inspiring are those words, even though the context is horrible and sad. God help all souls under such cruelty everywhere. It feels somehow unfair writing these lines in a safe peaceful place.
But no matter what freedom means to you, you have the right go for it and to take your chances breaking the chains if there are some. You’re allowed to take turns and to change and to grow. Always. And usually the world around you has difficulties accepting the new tunes in you, that’s ok. Who said freedom would just fall into our hands. But you choose the flag you raise and you choose the song you sing. 
Thank you for your love, understanding and encouragement on my steps during the last few years. They weren’t all easy to take and there were moments when I thought I was drowning in guilt or fear. Then some small words in some small moments made the biggest difference you can ever imagine. I couldn’t have done this alone and I’ll always be thankful for what you've done. 
Summer 2024. I will love you and our moments with motorbikes and sunshine. But next autumn. I will love you even more than summer. I can already feel and smell it. The electricity, the lights and the sounds, excitement and shaking hands at the backstage. And You, the energy and echoes you bring in the rooms - different special every night. As I close my eyes here and now thinking about it, I get goosebumps and I feel tears behind my eyes. It feels so goddamn strong and good.
See you all soon, I’m on my way. Loving you all right now, 
PPS: Thank you Björn for borrowing me you orange car. Hope she’s home safe 🧡