Dear 2020
Dear 2020
Thank you for another great year. It was a bit different than in my original plans, but now looking at it in the review mirror, it wasn't all that bad.
One worldwide pandemic and being isolated from everyone. One postponed mega tour. One stupid court case. But also one Bestseller Biography (Tuomas <3), One victorious Voice Of Germany (Go Paula & Rea <3) and One red wine (<3 Tomi & Guys). One Finnish song (Boys<3). 37 COVID tests, one positive. Many new kinds of unique moments with many dear people. Also many new folks who came into my life to stay. Realizing how great life can actually be even in strange circumstances. Life is not supposed to go as planned and it never will. And to me we have proven once more that we are able to adapt. It always feels uncomfortable, but here we are and life goes on.
Dear 2021
Please give us strength to make it through this crazy time with as less damage as possible. Please keep our loved ones safe and please let us hug each other hard soon again. Please give us a day we can get together on the big fields again and to celebrate moments like we used to. Let us jump around like crazy without any masks or worrying about hurting others.
I'll never forget these 12 months. I had taken so many things for granted in the past and I know I will appreciate some of them much more in the future.
Thank you all for your endless support with my book, music and also at the voice. And with everything else too. I will get back to the reading challenge videos after I come back from my break in January. I'm gonna stay switched off now for some time.
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas break and I also hope that you too can see some light at the end of the tunnel. 2021 is right behind the corner and next year things will get closer to what life used to be.
Greetings from the snowy mountains of Lapland and Lots of love to you all. Hard virtual hugs and happy new year everyone <3