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So, Who Do I?

So, Who Do I?

It’s just amazing how many million tiny miracles it takes for an album to be ready and out. Hits or guitar strings and drums, a million errors, screaming FK yeah, walks alone in the city at 02 AM, saying thank you in studio and hugging everyone. You are the best. Tears, so many tears. Happy and also a few sad ones. Saying sorry. Breaking your heart and also falling in love. Feeling strange hormones at midnight as something’s about to go out for the world. Losing sleep.
We’re getting closer and I can already smell the goal line. Actually my work is almost done and now the mixing engineer Jesse has the big heat on him. I’ve been living with these tunes for the last year so deeply it kind of feels like there was no life before the time I had these 16 songs on my own secret playlist. Yes, 16. A beautiful miracle happened on Wednesday last week. Or maybe it's still just 15. I don’t need to know yet. 
Tonight I’ll release the next baby and it’s called “Who Do I.” Probably the strangest song name ever, but it might make sense when you hear it. To me it does. It’s so beautiful and perfect and somehow I’ve reached the point where I really don’t care what someone else thinks anymore. I feel free and I’m going my way. I love these songs so much and I’ve gotten so much something totally amazing suffering and celebrating with them already that anything extra could even be too much. 
There was no plan to release anything this Friday, but I wanted to. I was in Berlin at my hotel room in the night as I received the final mix a few weeks ago and I emailed my gang immediately that this one shall go out one week after Hideaway. Why should I hold all the songs until October anyways. There’s still at least 15 songs on the album and it doesn’t hurt anyone if one more gets a tiny spotlight on it in my own little universe before the whole mothership comes out. Hideaway and Who Do I won’t even be served to radio. I probably would have done that, but the masters of music decided in another way and I understand we can’t push them all commercially. These two songs are just out so you can join me listening to them if you want to. And maybe also to give you a bit more time to learn the lyrics so we can break the club walls with love singing them so loud in October. If you want to. I will. 
I ask myself every day if it’s really true that the whole tour is really sold out. It’s so amazing people and I’m so FKNG thankful for that. The only thing that matters in this business is that you have some people in the room when you play. And I won’t have some people there, I’ll have a full room every goddamn night. It somehow breaks my heart in the most inspiring way possible and you have no idea how motivated we all are here preparing everything for October. Everything else in this music business is nice extra if something nice happens, but to me the only thing that really matters is that you join us when we’re out there. The shows are the biggest reason I do all this. Thank you ❤️
One day everyone leaves
Someday the wind takes the leaves
Landing where they’re meant to be
Thank you for landing by me 
I hate explaining songs or art. I think it’s best if everyone just hears what they hear or see what they see in a painting for example, but I will say this anyways. Letting go is one of the hardest skills to learn. Once we receive something from life, at least I’m used to holding on to it with my teeth and sometimes I might take things for granted. But fact is, everything here is just visiting us. Some stay longer, some for a shorter time. Love, health, friends, family, guitars. Life itself. People singing with you at the shows. Singing your small songs with you. And also people on stage with you. And behind it. I don’t know how long they’ll stay, but as long as You are here… Thank you for landing by me ❤️
Still Yours, 
Samu Haber - Who Do I
Samu Haber, Ilkka Wirtanen, Maria Jane Smith
I don’t want anybody
Now when I hold somebody
It’s like I’m racing past red 
You know I know your body
I read you like nobody
Your thoughts before you hear them
And I know there’s no one like you
Cause there’s no one like anyone
But you’re a different kind of special to everyone
Who am I if I’m not with you
Who are you once we’ve made it through
You’re the best one I’ll ever lose
Still I can’t seem to live with you
Now who do I who do I who do I send my songs to 
It’s for the best I believe
You can be hurt and relieved
Feeling trapped being free
One day everyone leaves 
Someday the wind takes the leaves
Landing where they are meant to be
And I know there’s no one like you
Cause there’s no one like anyone
You’re different kind of special yeah
Who am I if I’m not with you
Who are you once we’ve made it through
You’re the best one I’ll ever lose
Still I can’t seem to live with you
Now who do I who do I who do I send my songs to 
Who do I who do I write about if it’s not you
One day everyone leaves 
Someday the wind takes the leaves
Landing where they’re meant to be
Thank you for landing by me
Who am I if I’m not with you
Who are you once we’ve made it through
You’re the best one I’ll ever lose
Still I can’t seem to live with you
Now who do I who do I who do I send my songs to 
Who do I who do I write about if it’s not you
Now who do I who do I who do I send my songs to