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This is The Voice

This is The Voice

The air feels so fresh here in Helsinki this midnight. I’m usually writing my blogs on my sofa when I get home, but now I’ll finalise these thoughts on my balcony with my feet against the Finnish night sky. The sun is literally still in the horizon making the sky blue. After all the studio air and also the hectic Berlin life and traffic, it feels like being in the jungle of The Amazon here above the green Helsinki trees. I don’t know if there’s a city in the world with more fresh oxygen than this home town of mine. Damn I love this place.

I have never laughed as much before at a TV studio as I laughed the last week. Jesus Christ it was fun. And when you have almost too much fun, the jokes go so wild and the energy takes over, I’m sure they’ll have to edit lots of stuff out before broadcasting it or they’ll make an XXX version that’s been aired after midnight. Damn I’m happy they asked me back and that I decided to go back to The Voice Of Germany. So damn happy <3

If you were there at the studio for my previous Voice seasons or if you did read my book, you might know the Voice hasn’t always been the easiest piece of cake for me. German isn’t the easiest language to learn, especially if you have to learn it fast, but now something has happened to me and that strange language. I realised at one point that I was actually correcting Mark Forster (!) of German grammar hahahahahaaa ;) Actually I realised the change already on my radio promo tour in February as speaking wasn’t as hard as before. I mean it’s really seven years from my last normal visit to that show as last time I was there it was strange times with Corona virus going around the world and we had strange times at the studio too. Now it was seriously just so much fun. Über long and exhausting days but every second more than worth it.

The Voice Of Germany has given me and also Sunrise Avenue so much in the past. And if I’d have to name ten things in my life that have given me a chance to know myself better and to grow a bit, The Voice would be one of them. It’s such an honour to be part of all this for the sixth time already as a guy from Finland. And if this one shall be my last season at the show, I’m so happy this is the one where I really can enjoy it all with a full heart. Thank you all in the crowd for all the support all these years and also this summer. It's you who make the show so great, not us. And I really hope this isn’t my last Voice season. I’ll try to be worth a hot future everlasting Voice contract ;)

Even though we play against each other in the studio and we actually really battle hard, I LOVE Yvonne, Mark and also our freshman Tim. I call him Tim instead of Kamrad as that is the way I’ve known him since our tour together. I have never felt such chemistry with any gang in a TV studio. It can be that something has also changed in me and I don’t have to prove myself (to myself) that much and I can take it easier than before. Everyone, also and especially our new jury boy are doing such an amazing job all day long and I’m looking at them all so proud. Before the blind auditions started, we had a very open and honest talk with all three and I had the feeling that it made us understand each other better. What possibly makes us feel uncomfortable and what makes us scared. And then the lights went red in the studio and the show started.

Get ready for one hell of a TVOG season. I’ve done this enough many times to say it’ll be legendary sheisse. The talents are amazing and so are my colleagues, the staff and the crowd. You’ll laugh, cry and shit your pants in September or whenever it comes out.

Thank you all talents in #teamsamu for choosing me as your coach. I will be worth your trust and we’re already planning cool stuff for you. We’ll see in a few weeks and then our journey can really start. And also congrats to all talents in all teams for making it to the next round. And those of you whose time it wasn’t to get more stage time this year. There will be new seasons and there are other stages out there. So just keep going if singing is what you wanna do. We will be rejected so many times in our lives and the fact that these four coaches said “No” to you once at this TV show, means nothing. It means you’re not in this show this year, but there are so many other adventures out there and if you feel the Voice is your thing, come back next year. Quitters don’t win. Winners don’t quit. But if quitting feels right, it's also ok. Always. Not everybody needs to be a singer. There are jobs and careers that are much more important in the world. I choose this though for as long as I’m allowed to and for as long as it feels right 🙏

I’ll take it easy now for the rest of the week. Maybe go train my martial arts at Hipko, maybe just sleep on my boat deck somewhere outside Helsinki anchored in a quiet bay. And on Monday we start going through my new songs with my band for October. Well actually for August and September when we'll be on stage for the first time at these radio festivals. I just can’t wait. But now I’ll sleep in my own bed with my own sleep toys.

Thank you all for an unforgettable week and good night where ever you are.

Team Samu
The Voice Of Germany